The site  is the property of SC ARCHIPROG SRL and does NOT use cookies.

The users / visitors to the site benefits of all the rights provided by the legislation on the protection of personal data, namely:

  • the right of access to personal data,
  • the right of opposition,
  • the right to not to be subject of an individual decision,
  • the right to data rectification,
  • right to delete data,
  • the right to restrict data processing,
  • the right to portability of data and
  • the right to appeal to the judiciary and / or the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

Although the site does not use cookies, you can find general information about cookies and their use below.
Cookies are small files, generally made up of texts and numbers, which when accessing a site are saved in the browser used by your computer, phone, tablet, or any other device that accesses the site. Upon each subsequent access to the site, the browser sends this file to the site's server, allowing the identification of a visitor returning to the site.

Depending on the duration of the cookie, these may be session cookies or permanent cookies.
Session cookies have a temporary storage duration, limited only to the length of the session the visitor visits the site. At the close of the session or browser, the session cookie is lost. Permanent cookies are stored at the user's computer and are not deleted when the navigation session is closed.

Browsers used to access the Internet have integrated information security settings, including the possibility of accepting cookies. In order to use the cookie acceptance settings, in most cases it is necessary to access the "Options" section of the browser and the "Settings" category. Disabling the option to accept cookies may have the effect of not being able to access some of the most important sites. Therefore, it is important to only accept cookies from sites you trust. You can delete cookies at any time using the "Privacy" option in the "Settings" category.

Options to prevent monitoring of online user activity are implemented today in various forms; one of the most widespread is the "Do Not Track" mechanism used by most internet browsers and search engines. The goal of the Do Not Track mechanism is to "give the user the opportunity to express their personal choices about monitoring online activities and to communicate these options to each server or web application they interact with, allowing each accessed service to either -and adjusts the practices according to the user's options or to reach a separate agreement with the user, which is convenient for both parties. Note that not all "Do Not Track" functionality blocks cookies.

Although cookies are stored in the computer / internet user's memory, they can not access / read other information on that computer / device. Cookies are not viruses. They are just small text files; are not compiled as code and can not be executed. Thus, they can not be self-copy, can not spread to other networks to generate actions, and can not be used to spread viruses.

Cookies can not search for information on the user's computer / device, but they store personal information. This information is not generated by cookies, but by the user, when he completes online forms, logs on certain websites, uses electronic payment systems, etc.

The use of cookies and the obligations of suppliers are regulated both in European Union legislation and in national law.

Among the documents governing the use of cookies at European level are the 2002/58 / EC (PDF) and 2009/136 / EC (PDF) Directives. At the same time, in the national legislation, the use of cookies is regulated by Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, as subsequently amended and supplemented.